With Urban Beekeeping!
About Us
The Long Beach City installs and maintains honeybee hives on commercial and residential properties in the greater Los Angeles Area. Our mission is to improve bee health and expand the bee population. Since 2019, we’ve made a tangible, positive impact on the environment, one beehive at a time.
Our Services
Providing full-service beekeeping in the heart of Long Beach, California. LBC Honey Co is committed to supporting the declining population of pollinators, specifically the honeybee. Our Urban Pollinator Program will allow you to have a hive without knowing a lot, or anything, about beekeeping. This program is meant to be a turn-key operation in which we install and maintain the hive(s) and deliver the ultra local honey to you at the end of the season.
Seasonal Plants

Events & Workshops

Gardening 101: Pollinator Edition
Our top 5 native pollinator plants for Long Beach and Southern California.

Plant a Vegetable Patch: Pollinators
Pollinators love growing helping vegetables come to seed! It's easy to let your vegetables flower. Bees love the pollen and nectar from carrots, broccoli, and cauliflower!